Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The Purpose of Myths

  • Name 4 fundamental questions that myths address.
    • The four fundamental questions the myths address are: What is the nature of the universe in which i live in ? How do I relate to that universe? How much control do i have over my own life? What must i do in order to survive? 
  • Name 4 themes in world mythology.
    • The following themes in mythology: Parents are often the gods of sky and earth perhaps clay trees rocks or plants. The gods destroy at least one world of mortals night causing a great flood. In the world as in nature births maturity and death are often followed by rebirth. Heroes are children of god who have unusual births possess extraordinary strength, kill monsters with the help of special weapons, on an arduous journey, descends into the underworld as part of their tasks and have an unusual death.
  • What is the beginning of the universe for most major cultures?
    • Most of the major cultures start with the beginning of the universe a chaotic formless mass that a god or pair of gods separates.
  • What do hero myths and epics teach members of society?
    • The heroic myths and epics of a society teach its members the appropriate attitudes, behavior, and values of the culture.
  • Why do ordinary people identify with heroes?
    • In spite of their extraordinary abilities no hero is perfect. Yet they're human weaknesses are often as instructive as heroic qualities.
  • What is the foundation of the Matriarchal Society?
    • The foundation of the Martriarchal society is agriculture.
  • What is Sigmund Freud's view of myths?
    • Sigmund Frued views myths as the expression of the external environment.
  • Myths demonstrate that people possess...
    • Myths demonstrate that people possess unconscious desires. There myths also demonstrate that they possessed the intellectual capacity to understand the world in which they live.

Birth Order Research

Olmedo 1
Moises Olmedo
Mr. Ostini
English II Honors
26 August 2014         

Does Your Birth Order Define You?
         "We all live our lives our own ways and we all have a path to choose as a person," by anonymous. For instance there is a birth order research paper that will show where you fall in your family and your traits as a person. I have two older sisters and one younger but according to the birth order research I'm an only child. That classifies me as the oldest in my family tree and the BOR ( Birth Order Research ) says as an oldest child I get many character distinguishing traits. It says is the oldest I should be a procrastinator, organized and a leader. As I start to look back and think about how I am as a person these traits are pretty accurate. The Birth Order Research shows me my characteristic traits and how I can use them to live my life and how to choose a path as a better person.
         Procrastination is a problem for everyone and it is one of my characteristics I wish I didn't have. As a person I procrastinate for everything. I don't do most of my homework until eight or nine o'clock and by time then I'm already tired. I have a lot of classes and I am a triathlete so I just like to wait until the last minute for everything. Also I procrastinate a lot when it comes to doing my chores. I will always wait until the last minute or until my mom yells at me. I think I put off a lot of my chores because I like to go with my girlfriend a lot and I'd rather do that. Although I do procrastinate a lot I have been changing this new year.
         I tend to be more organized this year with the new schedule. I find that I have to be because if I'm not with all my rigorous courses I will fail. One of the ways I keep organized is my binder. I have to dividers for each class 1 for handouts and the second for notes and homework. I also have an agenda my agenda helps me a lot! I keep all my assignments in there and with all my classes it helps keep me on track. Even though I have been a procrastinator at times I am changing to become more of an organized person which the BOR has been right about so far.
         The BOR have said lots of things about me but there's one that I think is true its being a leader. I try to be a one everyday and my mom coaches and teachers have all told me I'm a leader. My coaches have always told me I need to lead my team and put them in check so I always try to do so. I always try and motivate them, and a lot of them look up to me. I always try to bring everybody I know in like a family and I always try and help them not boss them around. Being a leader isn't easy and I'm struggling to be one. I just know for a fact that I am NOT a follower.
There are many things that can define me and the BOR has gotten really close to it. All the things It has said about me is true besides maybe one thing. Overall it is accurate research and I like how it helps me see what type of person I am. This research has shown me that birth order can define you. The BOR has helped me see that I need to stop procrastinating so I can be more organized and when I am more organized I can be a better leader. So in the end the birth order research shows me my characteristic traits and how I can use them to live my life and choose a path as a better person.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Birth Order Traits

Well organized
As of this year i have been very organized. I think i have to be in order to pass all my classes. I have an agenda that I write down all my homework in everyday and i also have a binder that has sections for each of my classes. Also all my notes are color coordinated.
Although I am organized I am very very big procrastinator. I always usually wait until the last minute to do everything. That is why I have been trying to be organized and i've slightly stopped the procrastination.
Self centered
I don’t think I am self centered. I like to give a lot of attention to all of my friends and teammates. As a good leader which I try to be you can't be self centered.
Career might be computer engineering/science
As for my career I don't know what I am going into yet but most likely it will be engineering or science. I am really good with math and science so I like that type of stuff.
Going on to positions of leadership
I think I am going to positions of leadership. As a football player on the team I am one of the captains and i like to take control and lead my team. I lead the stretches and our jumping jacks a lot of them look up to me.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Reflections on week 1

As my experience goes with this class I do not think there are any factors that effect my experience with the class. I have a computer at home and I have a phone. Actually there is one thing, I just don't have a printer so I have to go to my aunts every time I need to print.

One of the beast things I've learned is that in order to be successful in life you have to be organized and if not you won't succeed. Me and my classmates learned this from our avid teacher. Knowing this year is going to he very tough I think being organized and having a binder and an agenda will and has deffinatly helped me so far.

What I'm most concerned about if failing the class. I have a lot of classes and a lot of homework I just don't want have a lot of work and fail. What I look fowars to learning is how to write even better. Writing isn't my best trait niether is reading so I need help in this category.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Vocabulary #1

agenda - 
               Def. A list or plan of things to be done in the future; listed items to be taken up at a meeting. 
               Sen. I use my agenda everyday to write down my homework.
               Def. Quick and easy of movement or thought; resourceful
               Sen. My actions when i'm running the ball are agile.
               Def. To make someone unfriendly, withdrawn, or indifferent.
               Sen. The boy was being very alienate to the new student.
               Def. A heated or angry argument; a noisy quarrel.
               Sen. When the blue called a bad call him and my coach got in an altercation.
               Def.Generally pleasant, friendly and nice to be around.
          Sen. I am amiable if my team won there last game.
               Def. Suggestive of love, lovemaking, or sexual desire.
          Sen. The man was very amorous  but he was single.
              Def. Filled with life and spirit.
              Sen. There are a lot of animated people in my first, second, and third period.
               Def. Calmness or evenness of mind or spirit; even-temperedness.
               Sen. I have to be have equanimity before i start my tests.
               Def. That which cant be taken away or transferred to someone else.
               Sen. Once i got my car i made sure it wouldn't be inalienable.
              Def. Possessing neither life nor spirit; not alive.
              Sen. Inanimate objects has been a big debate for a long time, do they do or don't exist?
               Def. Showing a kind of nobleness of mind and spirit; high-minded; free from pettiness.
               Sen. When i am on the field i am magnanimous.
               Def. Characterized by ideas suggestion by ideas suggesting a desire to move backward, especially in matters 
                          related to politics.
                Sen. In football we have to have  reactionary time and do it quick.


My Sixwords

 I chose this because a lot of people play football to say there in a sport but for me i do it because its my passion. I love running out on that field and looking down that field to see my opponent. I love running full speed down field and throwing my body into to someone else's and laying them out. Football is something i've always loved to do because you can hit someone as hard as you want with out getting in trouble and i'm not scared of anyone.

Friday, August 15, 2014

How School Kills Creativity Responce

Yes, I feel like we are forced into education we are forced to learn history math science and English. I feel that we should have schools that teach many different things. If you want to just learn how to be a firefighter learn and go to other schools that will help you. Or if you love doing school work and you want to become a teacher then you can take these hard. we are forced to do all this work to go to college just to get a job. Unless you're some type of teacher you don't even really eat much of these advanced classes outside school when you're older. if this were to happen in English class would be filled with people who want to advance in being great English majors. Like Einstein he didn't really do his school stuff he didn't even need a language. He just did the one thing he loved and needed which was math and he created many great things.