Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Pandora's Box

The main character is Zeus the god whose idea it was to create the first mortal woman. He gifted her with Pandora's box. The actual real main character is Pandora she is the first mortal woman created. She was made strong, beautiful, smart, and curious.

The myth starts in the heavens with the gods but mostly took place on earth in the household of Pandora and Epimethius.

Pandora decided that the box was meant for her to open. She got a crowbar and broke off the lock. Inside the box were all of the things that made life miserable; sickness, old age, anger, envy and lust. Also, racism sexism, and tourism. Along with that came communism, capitalism, drug addiction, alcoholism, pornography, censorship, wars, bombs, nuclear waste and all diseases is the main plot.

The dilemma of this story revolved around the gift that Papa Zeus gave Pandora and how she was made to be curious she opened it because it was a box the said not to open it or punished by death and she wanted to know what was in it.

This myth attempts to explain the origin of all the things that make anyone's life miserable and all human flaws.

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